Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013
mengapa koperasi kurang diminati?
koperasi kurang diminati dikarenakan kurangnya product dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan, ataupun product yang ditawarkan. ditambah lagi timbulnya pihak swasta yang menawarkan product dan pelayanan yang lebih baik.
bagaimana pun masyarakat adalah konsumen, konsumen adalah raja, jika pelayanannya kurang maka konsumen akan berpindah ketempat yang lebih baik lagi. ditambah lagi swata memakai sistem buka. jika koperasi memakai sistem bunga. maka otomatis harga yang ditawarkan lebih mahal. maka konsumen akan berpindah ketempat yang lebih murah dan pelayanan nya juga memuaskan
kenapa Koperasi belum menjadi soko guru di perekonomian indonesia?
kita tau kondisi Koperasi di negara kita sudah mengkhawatirkan karena sudah berkurangnya minta masyarakat untuk percaya terhadap koperasi. ditambah lagi dari beberapa faktor. yaitu ;
1. kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah terhadap koperasi.
2. sulitnya mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat.
3. kurangnya transparansi yang mengakibatkan timbulnya korupsi.
4. kurang peminatnya.
5. terbatasnya product yang ditawarkan.
6. kurangnya inovasi dari koperasi.
7. timbulnya pihak swasta yang banyak menawarkan product nya.
8. ditambah lagi timbulnya sistem bunga.
Senin, 13 Mei 2013
Direct and indirect
1. Jim said”i am sleepy” he said (that)” he was sleepy”
2. Sally said”i don’t like chocolate” she said (that)”she didn’t like chocolate”
3. Mary said”i am planning to take a trip” she said (that)”she was planning to take a trip”
4. Tom said” i have already eaten lunch” he said (that)” he had already eaten lunch”
5. Kate said” i called my doctor” she said (that)”she had called my doctor”
6. Mr. Rice said” i am going to go to chicago” he said (that)”he was going to go to chicago
7. Eric said” i will come to the meeting” he said (that)”he would come to the meeting”
8. Jean said” i can’t afford to buy a new car” she said (that)” she couldn’t afford to buy a new car”
9. Jessica said” i may go to the library” she said (that)”she might go to the library”
10. Ted said” i have finish my work” he said (that)”he had finish my work”
11. Ms. Young said” i must talk to prfessor read” she said (that)”she had talk to professor read”
12. Alice said”i should visit my aunt and uncle” she said (that)”she should visit my aunt and uncle”
Rabu, 01 Mei 2013
Pengertian Conjunction
Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua kata, phrase (frasa), clause(klausa), atau paragraph (paragraf). Kata ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.
Macam-Macam Conjunction
Adapun macam-macam conjunction antara lain sebagai berikut:
Coordinate Conjunction
Kata hubung ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata,phrase atau clause.
Contoh Conjunction: and, or, for
Contoh Kalimat: I love running and swimming. (Saya suka lari dan berenang.)
Correlative Conjunction
Kata hubung ini digunakan berpasangan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, phrase , atauclause.
Contoh Conjunction: as… as, both… and…, either… or…
Contoh Kalimat: Diana is as beautiful as her sister. (Diana secantik saudaranya.)
Subordinate Conjunction
Kata hubung ini digunakan untuk membangun hubungan ide antara dependent dengan main clause.
Contoh Conjunction: where, although, so that, otherwise
Contoh Kalimat: Nobody knows where she lives now. (Tak seorangpun tau dimana dia tinggal sekarang.)
Adverbial Conjunction / Conjunctive Adverb / Connecting Adverb
Kata hubung berfungsi pula sebagai adverb. Sebagai kata hubung, kata ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dengan logis dua independent clause, sedangkan sebagai adverb, untuk menerangkan clause kedua.
Contoh Conjunction: also, however, rather, thus
Contoh Kalimat: She’s not bad; rather, she’s very kind. (Dia tidak jahat; sebaliknya, dia sangat baik.)
Hubungan Antar Conjunction
Hubungan antar conjunction yaitu hubungan antara Coordinate dan Adverbial Conjunction. Beberapa adverbial memiliki padanan makna dengan coordinate, namun adverbial lebih memberi penekanan dengan cara penggunaan punctuation (tanda baca).
Contoh: and vs besides, but vs however, so vs thus
Hubungan Antara Conjunction dengan Part of Speech Lain
Hubungan kata hubung ini dengan part of speech lain yaitu hubungan antara Subordinate Conjunction dan Preposition. Beberapa subordinate selain berfungsi sebagai kata hubung, juga dapat berfungsi sebagai preposition.
Contoh: after, before, until
Rabu, 03 April 2013
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Development
1. Human Resources Development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the individual to achieve performance improvement. Adam Smith states, “The capacities of individuals depended on their access to education”. The same statement applies to organizations themselves, but it requires a much broader field to cover both areas.
Human Resource Development is the integrated use of training, organization, and career development efforts to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness. HRD develops the key competencies that enable individuals in organizations to perform current and future jobs through planned learning activities. Groups within organizations use HRD to initiate and manage change. Also, HRD ensures a match between individual and organizational needs.
2. Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as employee training, employee career development, performance management and development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organization development.
Process, Practice and Relation to Other Fields
Notably, HRD is not only a field of study but also a profession. HRD practitioners and academia focus on HRD as a process. HRD as a process occurs within organizations and encapsulates: 1) Training and Development (TD), that is, the development of human expertise for the purpose of improving performance, and 2) Organization Development (OD), that is, empowering the organization to take advantage of its human resource capital. TD alone can leave an organization unable to tap into the increase in human, knowledge or talent capital. OD alone can result in an oppressed, under-realized workforce. HRD practicitioners find the interstices of win/win solutions that develop the employee and the organization in a mutually beneficial manner. HRD does not occur without the organization, so the practice of HRD within an organization is inhibited or promoted upon the platform of the organization's mission, vision and values.
Other typical HRD practices include: Executive and supervisory/management development, new employee orientation, professional skills training, technical/job training, customer service training, sales and marketing training, and health and safety training.
HRD positions in businesses, health care, non-profit, and other field include: HRD manager, vice president of organizational effectiveness, training manager or director, management development specialist, blended learning designer, training needs analyst, chief learning officer, and individual career development advisor.
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